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Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions/Community Guidelines The IRISS SSbD Community Guidelines have been set up to ensure the members’ safety and to serve as a guide for the members to understand what is allowed on the platform. The guidelines apply to everyone who is a member of the IRISS SSbD Community. By becoming a member, you accept these guidelines. **Content** The purpose of the SSbD Community Platform is to create an open and inclusive community to gain and share knowledge on SSbD. It is not allowed to show support for or praise terrorism, or organized crime or post content that can be viewed as racist, sexual or discriminating in any form. We do not allow content with insults or slurs based on physical characteristics or belonging to a protected group, such as age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. We also do not allow other harmful behavior such as threats. The IRISS SSbD Community does not allow content that poses a high risk of serious harm by spreading incorrect medical information that contradicts Local Health Authority (LHA) or World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on specific health conditions and substances. The content published on the IRISS SSbD Community Platform should be connected to the topic of SSbD. **Removal of content and members** The administrators are allowed to remove content such as comments, posts, files, links and images that break the rules of the community guidelines. The administrators are also allowed to restrict, suspend or remove members who do not follow the guidelines.

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